Day 45 of MWL Daily

In Why The Webinar Is Dead And What Needs To Replace It (Forbes, 28 Feb 2021) William Arruda shares what he has learned from being on both sides of the screen – as an instructor and participant. Here’s one way he suggests helping people experience the benefits of webinars whilst reducing the drawbacks.

“First, ditch the moniker.

The word “webinar” comes with some baggage and needs a major rebrand. Have you ever heard someone exclaim, “Yay, I’m attending a webinar today”? The word webinar has never been synonymous with a learning event filled with fun and innovation; it has been co-opted by businesses selling their wares, and it feels too much like any other online meeting we attend. The word webinar does not conjure up images and excitement or entertainment. For your organization, consider more compelling and accurate names like learning experience, live virtual classroom, funfest, deep dive or online masterclass … anything but webinar, which sounds dull and trite and somewhat old-fashioned. Moving forward in this article I am going to call them LOL (Live On-line Learning) Programs.”

What are you calling your webinars – have you renamed them?
What are you doing to make your webinars more engaging and compelling experience?

In Section 4: Run live virtual sessions we consider a number of ways to offer effective live virtual training, and some of the tips and techniques to getting the most out of your video meeting platforms.

JOIN THE NEXT ONLINE WORKSHOP – where this is one of the topics we cover
Modern Training Part 1
1 – 26 March 2021

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