Changing mindsets

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Last updated: May 2, 2016 at 11:19 am

Embedded below is a document listing 50+ things you think if you have an old L&D mindset! Underneath it you’ll find supporting resources.

Workplace learning is more than training


MWL is 702010 without the numbers

  • 70:20:10 Primer Charles Jennings explains how 70:20:10 is a reference model or framework that helps organisations extend their focus on learning and development beyond the classroom and course-based
  • 70:20:10 Beyond the Blend Charles Jennings explains that blended learning is essentially push learning and how the 70:20:10 framework can take you beyond the blend (May 2015)
  • Changing words. Changing practices. Changing Culture Part II Mark Britz explains most people in organizations see themselves at workers or employees, not learners. They were not hired to learn, they were hired to do.

Stop calling people learners

In chapter 30 of MWL book I talk about the need to stop referring to employees as learners, here are some more resources

The end of the LMS?

  • The LMS is dead, long live the LMS! Donald Clark provides 10 pros and 10 cons for the LMS (March 2016)
  • What’s Really to Blame for the Failures of Our LMS, This article in Chronicle of Higher Education considers why LMSs, which just about everyone on campus uses every day to keep classes running, seem destined to disappoint, year after year. The reason procurement (March 2016)
  • Could Slack Be the Next Online Learning Platform? This EdSurge article explains that Slack “facilitates an online, supercharged version of watercooler conversation, enabling people to trade information and chat informally with colleagues. And it might just be a game changer for online education”. (March 2016)
  • The move from course management to course networking “the LMS works, technically, but consider: Is this really the way we want it to work?” (August 2015)
  • The IT gap that’s damaging L&D David James explains how every L&D leader he speaks with struggles to drive traffic to their LMS.but could it be just as much to do with the IT Gap and not creating an online environment that people recognise, expect, and want to engage with? (July 2015)

Out with old thinking?