MWL Newsletter No 13

News and articles about Modern Workplace Learning (MWL) selected by Jane Hart for the week 7-13 May 2017

Article of the Week

The future of jobs and jobs training Pew Research, 3 May 2017

“Respondents see a new education and training ecosystem emerging in which some job preparation functions are performed by formal educational institutions in fairly traditional classroom settings, some elements are offered online, some are created by for-profit firms, some are free, some exploit augmented and virtual reality elements and gaming sensibilities, and a lot of real-time learning takes place in formats that job seekers pursue on their own.”

From around the Web

Don’t be a Know-It-All, be a Learn-It-All  Lifehacker, 6 May 2017

“Acting like you know everything not only is obnoxious to others, but it also tricks yourself into thinking you don’t need to keep learning, and that can be detrimental to both your career and your personal growth. Always be hungry for knowledge, and always be willing to admit when you don’t know something. Know-it-alls can only get so far.

Social Mindset: A Key to Engaging People  Tanmay Vora, 8 May 2017

To be able to adopt a social mindset, leaders need to be equipped with deep understanding of how social, networked and self-evolving structures work. Only then can organizational leaders facilitate effective engagement of talent to meet organizational objectives. This is conversation that goes way beyond HR teams focusing narrowly on “employee engagement programs”. This is a more holistic conversation, and one that really engages talent by integrating work design, culture, rewards, learning and career development to deliver superior employee experience.”

Survey Said…“Enough with the E-Learning Already!”  Greg Wise, 8 May 2017

“It’s funny that our recently surveyed learners told us to STOP forcing E-Learning on them when I just read someplace that E-Learning is on the rise as the solution of choice. The bastion of L&D and the E-Learning vendors are sold on e-learning as the answer it seems. Either our recently on-boarded performers (learners) that we surveyed at the Point-of-Work are whacked, or the folks who are supposed to be on the bleeding edge of developing effective learning solutions are smoking something.”

The uncertain future of training Harold Jarche, 8 May 2017

“The future of training is a refocus on learning. Learning is not something we can do for others. But there will always be a need to help others become better learners. Modelling with our own practices is that way. Removing barriers to learning is another role for the now-defunct training department. Many organizations block access to resources. Some do not promote time and space for reflection. There is little accommodation to actually learn lessons from our collective actions. Increasing the speed of organizational learning should be the new focus. Promoting self-directed learning, supporting social learning, and removing barriers to learning should replace course development and delivery.”

The missing half of training  Harold Jarche, 10 May 2017

“Training does not end for military personnel once they have finished their formal qualifications. Nor should it end for civilians, but it does — until the next course. As a result of this pervasive mindset, the scam of compliance training was developed. It is premised on the assumption that a formal course will change behaviour. As a result, workers are forced to take compliance training, so that in the event of a disaster, management can say that people were trained, and the organization has no further responsibility. The training industry is fully compliant in this charade.”

Why Your Training Methods Aren’t Working (Even If You Think They Are) Inc, 10 May 2017

“If your training programs are as uninspiring, un-motivating and out-of-touch as a lot of companies, you’re driving away your best people because they aren’t getting adequate opportunities to develop.”

Learning’s role in Innovation  Clark Quinn, CLO Magazine, 11 May 2017

“In short, innovation is about creating an environment where people can be exposed to different concepts, interact productively, experiment safely and be allowed time to reflect. And this is contrary to much of the working world where interaction is kept to a necessary minimum, time is to be spent on work tasks and mistakes are punished.”

Unfortunately, HR doesn’t understand human beings either Joe Gernstadt, 11 May 2017

“I have worked with and for a lot of different kinds of organizations over the years and one of the most glaring and consistent takeaways for me is that organizations do not really understand human beings. They stubbornly refuse to apply the most basic understanding of human nature and human behavior toward interactions with clients and are even worse when it comes to employees.”

From the MWL Magazine

When it’s just so obvious no training is needed, it hurts to watch.  Charles Jennings, 8 May 2017

“Corporate learning and capability-building needs to grow up. For any organisation trying to stay competitive, conventional training is no longer enough, or even the answer in many cases. The world of systems and process training is an important case-in-point. Even where system training may have had some impact in the past, increasing complexity and the high velocity of change in today’s world is simply outpacing the training solution.

The cracks are showing.  Learning professionals need to broaden their minds and change the learning cultures of their organisations to create successful, modern strategies and address some major flaws in preparing workers for new systems and processes in their work environments.”

Upcoming MWL Workshop

Supporting Learning in the Modern Workplaceg

Next workshop runs 5 June – 14 July 2017

Modern employees now learn in a multitude of ways for, at and through work, so how can you support individuals (and their managers) in the modern workplace This 6-week online workshop will consider the different types of services you might offer to help you put together a plan to move forward in your organisation.

Jane Hart
Director, Centre for Modern Workplace Learning

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