The most valued ways of learning at work (2)

This is a page of the first FREE section of the MWL 2023.

The Learning in the Workplace survey (that has been running since 2010) has now had over 10,000 responses*. The full results are shown below ranked by the aggregated Very important and Essential scores. The shaded cells highlight where the most received were received in each category.

Key: NI = Not Important, QI = Quite Important, VI= Very Important, Es=Essential,V+E=Very Important PLUS Essential

Daily work experiences (ie doing the day job) DOING 1 7 29 63 92
Knowledge sharing with your team DISCOURSE 1 8 33 58 91
Manager feedback and guidance DOING 6 21 38 35 73
Web resources (articles, videos, podcasts, blog posts, etc) DISCOVERY 2 26 42 30 72
Coach or mentor feedback and guidance DOING 7 24 44 25 69
Company resources (eg documents, job aids) DISCOVERY 7 31 36 26 62
Your professional network (in person or online) DISCOURSE 6 33 39 22 61
Live virtual training (Zoom/Teams etc) DIDACTICS 12 44 33 11 44
Online courses (on demand and scheduled) DIDACTICS 15 46 27 12 39
Conferences (and other events) DISCOURSE 19 51 25 5 30
Classroom training DIDACTICS 27 45 21 7 28

The results show that for modern workers:

  • the most valued ways to learn for work are the experiences and activities that happen as part of daily work (DOING), through interaction with people (DISCOURSE) as well as the use of informal web content (DISCOVERY).
  • whilst the least valued ways to learn at and for work are the traditional learning activities – classroom training and online courses (aka e-learning) (DIDACTICS)

The graphic below shows how the frequency of learning has a high correlation with the value placed on it.

DIDACTICS is therefore  the least frequent AND the least valued ways of learning – and yet the role of the L&D function mostly focuses entirely on this approach to learning. It is therefore very clear that there is a need for a new approach to workplace learning. It is not enough just to digitise the training experience, it requires a new organisational learning culture or mindset about workplace learning. I call this Modern Workplace Learning (MWL).

Next: MWL- A new approach to workplace learning 

Last updated: July 29, 2022 at 12:46 pm